84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

Welcome to Bong Son
Bong Son Bridge  built by
"B" Co. 84th Engineer's   1970

         The top two photos are courtesy of Gene Kuentzler of the
19th Combat Engineer Battalion Association Vietnam

These photos were taken about 1966/1967 prior to the construction of the Bong Son Bridge.

These photos were taken about 1966/1967 prior to the construction of the Bong Son Bridge.

Bong Son Bridge Photo taken by Richard Sharp
"D" Co., 84th.
As seen from the RR. Brideg. (1966)

You are now entering Bong Son STOP!!

Bong Son Car Wash

View from north west of bridge .

Lower view .      

Bong Son R.R. Bridge, the tracks were
removed for truck traffic

Bong Son Bridge (1970)


Bong Son Bridge (1970)

Bong Son Bridge (1970)

Bong Son Bridge (1970)

Bong Son Bridge (1970)

Bong Son Bridge (1970)

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